Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jack White vs. the guitar

As I write this the Sounders are up by one in the snt econd half.  Not having the fox soccer channel i have listened via radio and followed a play by play blog online.  Last time we played the Crew we beat them 4-0 away, so we better clean up this game.  We haven't lost an MLS match in a month and our sounders are probably walking with a big dog swagger these days.  If the Seahawks can't do it then I guess we can count on Sounders. 
Lately I've been doing a bit of recreational running (or jogging) and it has given me time to think about things.  Useless things usually.  Nonetheless, I was jogging and listening to The White Stripes the other day and I came to the conclusion that Jack White is the greatest, most important rock artist of the last decade.  He knows no boundaries when it comes to innovation.  He makes everything he does look really cool, and that's a huge part of being an artist.  He's so cool that for the last 5 years I assumed he was British, cause that's just where the coolest rockers come from in my experience.  He's just what we needed.  In the age of 8 piece rap metal hardcore bands and engineered for marketing success boy bands Jack and Meg White emerged with the sole intent of rocking the socks off of anyone within 30 miles of there drum kit.  Do away with all the glitz and glam and just play guitar.  I always picture Jack W stalking a guitar in the woods and finally pouncing on it in an open field of long grass, one old dead tree nearby.   The guitar struggles much like a pissed off blue heron might, but Jack holds on for dear life and tames the beast into a rock machine.  When he strums the guitar you can almost hear it fighting back, protesting.  It's like Jack doesn't fully trust his guitar not to try and slit his throat so when he plays it he's constantly expecting to be attacked or bitten.  This, I think, contributes to The White Stripes sound.  This guy actually plays the thing with his feet, which is probably the same way you would want to pet a rabid badger.  No one does it like the White Stripes
Sounders won by the way.  2-1 we take the US open cup again.  bitch.

1 comment:

  1. totally right about Jack White on all accounts. Decades from now people will hear stories of all the crazy stuff he did with music and find it impossible to believe.
